What support might I receive?

The support you’ll receive depends both on the impact of your disability and the supporting information you provide. Here are some examples of the types of support you could receive at Leeds:

UoL Disability Services
2 min readMar 18, 2024

1. Exam arrangements

students studying inside the edward boyle library at leeds

This isn’t an exhaustive list and the arrangements we make are tailored to the impact of your disability on your exams:

Extra time
Rest breaks
Smaller rooms
Permission to move around
Use of a computer
Permission to eat, drink or take medication
Timetabling adjustments

2. A support summary sheet

a student talking to a member of staff in disability services. they are both women and are sitting at a round table

With suitable supporting information, you’ll receive a support summary sheet which we share with your academic department.

It advises them how your studies may be impacted by your disability and what they can do to support your learning and teaching.

Recommendations may include:

Flexibility around extension requests
Flexibility around attendance requirements
Directed reading lists
Receiving handouts and lecture slides in advance

3. Timetabling adjustments

Changes to when and where your lectures are scheduled.

4. Quiet study spaces

You’re likely to be given access to bookable private study spaces in our libraries.

5. Transcription services

Our Transcription Service provides texts in alternative formats, including Braille, large print and accessible PDFs.

6. Note-takers and PAs

an advisor helping a student. both are female. they are sitting at a round desk with cups of coffee

You may have access to a note-taker who can provide hand-written or typed notes from your lectures.

Or a PA who can provide physical support, such as helping you to move around campus or access the library.

7. Ongoing advice and guidance

You’ll have access to advice from our Disability Advisory Team throughout your time at Leeds. We run daily drop ins throughout the week for you to chat to us.

You can also access online workshops and 1:1 support for assistive technology and software.

8. Additional support from Disabled Students’ Allowance

Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) is a government grant. It may fund specialist equipment and software, Non-Medical Helper Support, and general allowances.



UoL Disability Services

Sharing news from Disability Services at the University of Leeds